How Prawn Traps Work How Do You Set Up A Prawn Trap.?

How do you set up a prawn trap.? - how prawn traps work

I have 4 commercial traps I use for recreation prawning but I have no idea how to prepare. Please help.


steve s said...

Where are you fishing? Review rules prawning. Here in British Columbia we are only allowed two traps per person in the boat. Volume 4 guys to 8 traps. Ato two traps in each line with a float, fishing about 200 feet deep. The traps are located 25 meters apart, which, if in the background. Typically used to bait fish waste. If you down a rope that floats sure a bit of weight on the rope to keep it so it can not become a danger to navigation in someones prop. I also have a case, the electric pumps used to pull traps. That makes it easier to distribute in the shoulders. You can run them separately, if desired. Through the implementation of two traps at a time when I save an additional 200 meter rope. Feel free to contact me for more information. PS. We have done very well with our shrimp this year, near Kelsey Bay. The temperature went very well. 40yrs exp

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