Bloody Stools More Condition_symptoms Weird Mucousy/bloody Stools With Excessive Gas Lasting More Than 3 Weeks?

Weird mucousy/bloody stools with excessive gas lasting more than 3 weeks? - bloody stools more condition_symptoms

I have this strange chair diarrhea. When I sit in the bathroom gave me a lot of gas and when I shoot. The chairs are very slimy and yesterday, I noticed blood in the stool. I saw the doctor on Friday, as is the case for so long. I had to take stool samples and gave me tablets just in case its related bacteria. In the blood. The only problem is that I have to wait 2 weeks until my results, which is a long time. I think it could be worse, at this time (what I am. ... Well, I am passing blood when I went to the doctor it was just the mucosa) in the stool. Has anyone had similar experiences? I drink Gatorade because the dr. told me that I have a LTO lost electrolytes. I never had before, dass I'm 21 years old. Even though I sometimes EAI have to go sometimes, I'm fine. But sometimes I'm 10 times in one day! Last nite after I have a couple of times I noticed when cleaning the blood. Help!


goyang33... said...

It seems that your doctor is correct differential diagnosis. The first is whether you have an infection. This could be a parasite or bacteria. There is no way to speed up the results of the culture, unfortunately. You should know within a week (2 weeks is a bit long) for the results.
Do not worry and be patient. If the bleeding is too high or if you are) other symptoms (dizziness or fainting, then you can tell your doctor or go immediately to the emergency room.
If the results of the investigations turn out negative, stool, your doctor will probably order a gastroenterologist. You will receive a colonoscopy do not need to get on your appearance and intestinal biopsies. They are the right age for chronic inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis). This is autoimmune to treat disease.
Hope that helps and good luck.

The Word said...

You should consult your doctor immediately. These are the same symptoms I had with cancer. Your doctor may give you an analysis of occult blood in the stool, if positive, you have to have a colonoscopy. Do not wait for you to do it now. Make an appointment with us. I waited and almost died. I had bowel recection chemotherapy and radiotherapy. he did not think he would, but I do. You can have too, but the sooner you checked that the better your chances. I am not asking you.

The Word said...

You should consult your doctor immediately. These are the same symptoms I had with cancer. Your doctor may give you an analysis of occult blood in the stool, if positive, you have to have a colonoscopy. Do not wait for you to do it now. Make an appointment with us. I waited and almost died. I had bowel recection chemotherapy and radiotherapy. he did not think he would, but I do. You can have too, but the sooner you checked that the better your chances. I am not asking you.

Wicked said...

Ulcer could be a problem. You can contact the emergency room or call your doctor

Daemon said...

EWWW! Sorry honey. It's strange and disgusting! What the hell did you eat? "

Dawn M said...

Hello, I have IBS with constipation, you can sometimes hard to push the cause hemmoroids eat things bad things could cause a touch on, so I checked ad could really reach the depths of his illness.
Add chocolate and spicy foods, can be seen feeding and should be treated, helping to collect more water.

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